Latest News

~Thursday 10th October 2024 we welcomed our latest initiate, Entered Apprentice Bro. Harrison. (Pictures to follow!)

~Thursday 12th September 2024 — We are back!

~ The Honours board has been updated:

Summer recess

~Thursday 11th July 2024 members of the Lodge met at the Bank Tavern in Bristol for quick refreshment!

~Saturday 6th July 2024 members of the Lodge and family met at Noah’s in Bristol for a fish supper!

May 2024

~Friday 19th May 2024 Bro. Gary Williams organised a trip to UGLE Chelsea Lodge (Entertainers Lodge) to see Daniel Dean Installed as the Worshipful Master.

Daniel Dean is one of the UK’s top illusionists, regularly performing his stage show to great acclaim all over the country. Also a talented actor, Daniel can often be seen in pantomime each year, utilising his unique skills to appear as the genie in Aladdin!

April 2024

~Thursday 11th April 2024 Brother Jakeways became our newest Master Mason. Here he is seen just after the ceremony of his Raising in Lodge Room No.1 with our WM, work colleagues and friends.

March 2024

~Thursday 14th March 2024 we welcomed into Masonry our newest Entered Apprentice, Bro. Roach seen here just after the ceremony of his initiation in Lodge Room No.1 looking very happy with our WM. He is our now fifth candidate in less than 12 months!

~Worshipful Brother Mike Huggins gave the eulogy for Worshipful Brother Mike Anstis at our regular March meeting

February 2024

~We’ve just been informed of the sad news that Worshipful Brother Mike Anstis has earlier this month passed to the Grand Lodge above. Requiescat in Pace.

~Thursday 8th February 2024 we welcomed into Masonry our newest Entered Apprentice, Bro. Iles seen here just after the ceremony of his initiation in Lodge Room No.1. He is our fourth candidate in less than 12 months!

~ We were also treated to not one, but two fantastic performances for our Lodge Burns Night. Worshipful Brother Mike Parry of the Kingswood Chase Lodge 4666 wonderfully addressing the haggis and Carol Varney the widow of John Varney a former Lodge member, who piped in the haggis in equally wonderful fashion.


We were graced with the presence of the Provincial Grand Master for Bristol who announced the incredible stat that St. Augustine Lodge was the best performing Lodge in Bristol!

November 2023

~Thursday 9th November 2023 we welcomed into Masonry our newest Entered Apprentice, Bro. Burrell seen here just after the ceremony of his initiation in Lodge Room No.1.

October 2023

~Last night, Thursday 12th October 2023 we welcomed into Masonry our newest Entered Apprentice, Bro. Jakeways seen here just after the ceremony of his initiation in Lodge Room No.1.

September 2023

~Congratulations to our new Worshipful Master, Brother Yandell on attaining the Chair of King Solomon on the 14th September 2023. We wish him, the officers and the Lodge well and we are sure that it will prosper until his stewardship.


Here he is pictured in the Chair and alongside the IPM, WBro. Hudson.

It was also a first for the VW DPGM who presented not one but two Past Master’s jewels. One to the IPM and one to Worshipful Brother Daburn who missed out on being presented his jewel the previous year.

Worshipful Brother Daburn's Paast Master's jewel.

~The Lodge has now implemented a WhatsApp group for all informal communication between the Brethren.

August 2023

~So here we are, only a few days away from meeting again in Park Street. First up will be the committee followed by the Installation rehearsal ready for our new WM Elect.

July 2023

~It is with great sadness that we report the passing of ‘Michael’ John Parsons on 29th June 2023. He was appointed to PProvGStwd 2012 – 2013.

June 2023

~Four members of St. Augustine went visiting to St. Kew 1222 Weston-super-Mare in the Province of Somerset for an excellent rendition of an Emulation initiation.

May 2023

~Last night, 11th May 2023 we witnessed a Bristol Workings Third Degree for Brother B, here seen with stand in Worshipful Master Daburn.

April 2023

~The Warrant for St. Augustine Lodge No. 3108 was granted on 15 April 1905. This means we are 118 years old today, congratulations Brethren!

Read all about it here: St. Augustine History

~On Thursday 13th April, our IPM WBro. Daburn took the Chair again to deliver a Bristol Workings Second Degree to our latest Fellowcraft.

March 2023

~Last night, 9th March 2023 we witnessed a Bristol Workings First Degree for Brother B. He was definitely very attentive as he passed a very important Bristol test! Here he is alongside Worshipful Master Hudson.

February 2023

~Last night, 9th February 2023 we witnessed a Bristol Workings Third Degree for Brother P. Here he is proudly displaying his new Master Mason’s apron (third from the left). Below we see WM Hudson, PM Murray who conducted the ceremony, Brother P and Brother J.

January 2023

~MISSING – If anyone has seen or heard from our Brother Harry, here on the left, can they please get in touch with us. He was last heard from on the 8th December 2022. Bristol, Weston-super-Mare and London are known locations. We hope he and his family are okay. Thank you.

~Our stand in Worshipful Master conducted a Bristol Working Third Degree in Lodge Room No.4 by dispensation on Thursday 12th January 2023 for our newest Master Mason, Brother F.

December 2022

~Thursday 8th December 2022 our two latest Entered Apprentices were passed to the Second Degree or that of a Fellowcraft.

November 2022

~Last night, Thursday 10th November 2022 we welcomed into Masonry our newest Entered Apprentice, Bro. Pearse seen here just after the ceremony of his initiation in Lodge Room No.3. W.Bro. Murray stepped in to take the place of our Worshipful Master W.Bro. Hudson who is awaiting surgery.

October 2022

~Today we have the unfortunate situation of having our WM and IPM quarantining for various operations. Best wishes to both for your recovery and wishing the Brethren of the Lodge well for the rehearsal and regular meeting, a Bristol First Degree ceremony.

~Our Secretary Bro. Holloway was appointed Provincial Grand Steward at Provincial Grand Lodge at the City Hall in Bristol on Saturday 29th October 2022. Here he is in his new regalia:

~Our new Worshipful Master, Brother Hudson in the Chair of King Solomon on the 13th October 2022 after presiding over his first ceremony, a Bristol Working First Degree.

Worshipful Master SJH

~Pictured below is the Worshipful Master, WBro. Mason who delivered the Secrets appertaining to the Degree so excellently and our candidate, Brother Frieslaar.

~In other news, Brother Roy Smith was successfully elected as an honorary member of the Lodge.

September 2022

~Congratulations to our new Worshipful Master, Brother Hudson attaining the Chair of King Solomon on the 8th September 2022. We wish him, the officers and the Lodge well and we are sure that it will prosper until his stewardship.

~Brother Roy Smith was proposed and seconded as an honorary member of the Lodge.

~The Lodge mourns the sad loss of Her majesty the Queen God bless you and thank you for your service. Long live the King.

July 2022

~The Rummer in Bristol, with its Masonic connection was the host for our recent social meet up where one of our candidates again met up with several of the Brethren.

~A brilliant day was had by all at the Lodge boat trip on the Tower Belle around the Bristol harbourside. The closure of one of the bridges didn’t dampen the spirits of the seafarers! We were all treated to the vocal delights of the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew who are raising money for the very worthy cause, the Teenage Cancer Trust

June 2022

We are now officially on our summer recess! See you in September for the Installation of our Master Elect.

Both candidate interviews have now been completed. The next stage is to enter their details onto the new digital system, Hermes.

An introduction to Hermes:


May 2022

Our Worshipful Master will be conducting the last meeting of the Masonic season for St. Augustine, a Bristol Working Third Degree in Lodge Room No.1 on Thursday 12th May 2022. This will also be his last ceremony before he hands over the the Master Elect in September.

This meeting was the 1024th Regular Meeting of the Lodge.

Our latest Master Mason:


April 2022

Our Worshipful Master welcomes our newest Master Mason into the Lodge after a dramatic Bristol Working Third Degree in Lodge Room No.1 with the PJGW in attendance.


February 2022

Our Worshipful Master welcomes our newest candidate into the Lodge after a dramatic Bristol Working First Degree in Lodge Room No.1 with the PGM, PDPGM, PSGW & PJGW in attendance.


January 2022

Our Worshipful Master welcomes our newest candidate into the Lodge after a dramatic Bristol Working First Degree in Lodge Room No.4 with the DPGM, PDPGM and PSGW in attendance.

December 2021

Read the latest advice from the Province regarding the protocols for the Omicron variant:


September 2021

We are back!


February 2021

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of W.Bro. Ian Mackintosh. Ian also was a well respected Mason in the Lodge and Province and recently recognised for his 50 year service to Masonry.

Requiescat in pace.


November 2020

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of W.Bro. Ron Hamm. Ron was a well respected Mason in the Lodge and Province and our most senior Past Master having taken the Chair of King Solomon three times, in 1978, 2007 and 2010.

Requiescat in pace.


September 2020

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Bro. John Kemp. John was a long-standing member of the St. Augustine Lodge, latterly having been elected as an Honorary Member.

Requiescat in pace.


Our next meeting on 12th March 2020 will be a talk entitled ‘The origins of the Province of Bristol and the roles played by some of its interesting characters’ followed by a Q&A session on ‘What is the Bristol etiquette and why is Bristol Masonry so different than others?’

This will be given by Very Worshipful Brother Christopher Williams P.G.Swd.B. Past Dep. P.G.M.

Have your questions prepared Brethren!

The Provincial Grand Master for Bristol the Right Worshipful Jonathan Mark Walker Davis presented Worshipful Brother Mackintosh (second left) with his 50 year certificate for services to Masonry.  Also on the same night, W.Bro. Fergusson from the Lodge of Harmony, seen here with the DPGM was initiated 50 years ago!

February 2020

A very different perspective of our beautiful Lodge Room No.1. Courtesy of WBro. Hayes.

Our Worshipful Master, the candidate (far right hand side), his father and uncle after he was was raised to the third degree.


January 2020

St. Augustine Lodge 3108 has been invited by Brother Master Elect Lewis to attend the ceremony of his Installation on Thursday 9th January 2020.
As a Lodge, we have a strong fraternal bond with the Brethren of Harmony and the Installation is a particularly apt time to show support for the incoming Worshipful Master on one of the only times that the two Lodges can get together. The meeting tyles at 1830 in Lodge room No.1.


December 2019

The Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brethren and Brethren of St. Augustine Lodge 3108 wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. See you all in 2020!

Some of the Past Master’s jewels, one of which will go to our current Worshipful Master when he becomes the Immediate Past Master.


November 2019

The jewels and badges of WBro. W. A. Stear donated by WBro. Huggins on display in Freemasons Hall, Park Street, Bristol.


September 2019

Congratulations to our new Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Daburn on attaining the Chair of King Solomon on the 12th September 2019. We wish him, the officers and the Lodge well and we are sure that it will prosper until his stewardship.


August 2019

Did you know the Worshipful Master wears a cocked hat (worn fore-and-aft, with the rosette to the left) as he enters the Lodge in procession but removes it to open the Lodge. He only replaces it to retire, again in procession.

Credit to St. Vincent Lodge 1404.


July 2019

St. Augustine Lodge has now had confirmation of a very distinguished visitor attending the Installation in September of the brother Master Elect.


June 2019

St. Augustine Lodge is now on its summer recess.


April 2019

St. Augustine Lodge’s next meeting will be our 1000th with a very special guest, the Provincial Grand Master for Bristol the Right Worshipful J.M.W.Davis.


March 2019

The collar of our very own Worshipful Brother Deputy Provincial Grand Master Michael Henry Huggins PGSD who was appointed and invested on 9th March 2019 at City Hall in Bristol.


February 2019


  • The current Worshipful Master must have too much time on his hands as he has redrawn the Lodge banner in readiness for our new Lodge cufflinks to celebrate our upcoming 1000th regular meeting.
  • The Lodge was treated to a very interesting address  “An Interesting Talk about Bristol Masonry” duly given by The Very Worshipful Bro.Christopher Williams, P.G.Swd,B.
  • There is exciting news coming soon about one of our members. 9th March 2019, save the date!
  • St. Augustine’s Senior and Junior Wardens attended the Annual Warden’s Dinner hosted at Freemason’s Hall Bristol on 4th February 2019. The purpose of the evening was to meet the new Executive Officers of the Province and to meet the fellow Wardens, who will in due course become the Circle of Masters of their year in the Chair.


January 2019

St. Augustine Lodge will be celebrating the 1000th regular meeting this coming May. One of the themes of the evening will be to remember the Brethren that served during the two twentieth century world wars.


April 2018

Croydon 2018

The PGM for Surrey and Brethren of Crescamus and St. Augustine Lodges.


February 2018

The Brethren of St. Augustine have been selected by the Provincial Grand Master of Bristol to carry out a demonstration of the Bristol Third Degree ceremony Saturday 28th April 2018 to the  Crescamus Lodge 7776 and Surrey’s Light Blues Club situated in Croydon, South London, the  Surrey Light Blues Club being their version of the Bristol Dunckerleys.

This is a huge honour for the Lodge, the last time we were so honoured was in 2008 again in London.
As we will be representing the Province of Bristol our Director of Ceremonies will be demanding our usual high standards at the March and April Third Degree ceremonies.


May 2017

2017-05-11 4No. PGM

The 984th regular meeting on Thursday 11th May 2017, St. Augustine Lodge had a special visit of the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of County Down in Ireland, the Provincial Grand Master of Gloucestershire, the Provincial Grand Master of Somerset and of course our very own Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Bristol, Alan Vaughn.